Rescue One Subscription Monthly

P311 P / month for 12 months

SKU: rescue 2 Category:


Rescue One Offers the Following Services to Our Clients
*24hrs Call Centre Service For: Medical Advise & Information or or Assistance
*Dispatch of Rapid Response Unit
*Dispatch of Emergency Ambulance
To attend all sick & injured persons & to render emergency care &/or transfer to Medical Facility in Gaborone
* Rescue One assistance service includes home visits & is launching night seminaars to all clients on
How to attend to first aid emergencies, what is need in first aid kit at home & in motor vehicles
How to be fire safe at home!
How we want the emergency call to us? Using smart phone and google maps with location?
All members will be added to a whatsapp group for monthly members updates & Safety Tips!

Additional information

No of members in family

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6